La Légende de Pioung Fou / Book III
Text by Beno Wa Zak.
Illustrations : anonymous of the Glong era.
French translation by Benoist de la Jaquette.
Format 15 x 23 cm.
112 pages. Paperback.
Duotone printing,
with golden block printing on the cover.
The book includes a map of the section
n° 1421 of the Liang Gang Niang forest.

Third volume of the La Légende de Pioung Fou,
the book will enable the honorable (and francophile)
reader to experience, once again, the intense emotional
state encountered in L'Auberge de Tinong Binong
& La Forêt de Liang Gang Niang.

ISBN: 2-916683-21-6

12,50  TTC


Additional information

Weight 160 g

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